
We are LADG

Lake Agassiz Development Group (LADG) is a non-profit economic development organization that has been supporting ambitious, hard-working North Dakotans for nearly 50 years. We empower local entrepreneurs with access to government grants and small business loans. LADG also provides a variety of community development and planning services to help townships, cities and counties throughout North Dakota thrive.

Our Organizations

LADG is composed of four organizations with a single goal: to build stronger communities by sparking economic development across North Dakota.

Originally an outgrowth of the USDA Resource Conservation and Development Program, LARC began as a regional economic development resource for Cass, Ransom, Richland, Sargent, Steele and Traill Counties. In 1974, the U.S Department of Commerce designated these six counties as an Economic Development District, enabling access to federal funding for planning and public works projects. The district also manages the HUD Small Cities Community Development Block Grant Program.


Board Members:

Thomas E. Jefferson, Chairman (Minority Representative)

Duayne Baldwin, Vice Chairman (Sargent County Soil Conservation District)

Terry Hoffman, Cass County Soil Conservation District

Shelley Luebke, City of Mantador

Carol Siegert, City of Hunter

Jeff Dick, Ransom County Soil Conservation District

Michael Haverland, Richland County Soil Conservation District

Jason Arth, Sargent County

Brian Tuite, City of Finley

Bill Bohnsack, City of Mayville

Neil Olerud, Ransom County

Kurt Elliot, Traill County

Duane Breitling, Cass County

Kevin Bunn, City of Enderlin

Nathan Berseth, Richland County

Carey Fry, Job Service North Dakota

Mark Osland, Traill County Soil Conservation District

Perry Brown, Steele County

The Lake Agassiz Regional Council (LARC) formed the Lake Agassiz Regional Development Corporation (LARDC) in 1987. The new entity soon opened the Regional Small Business Center in downtown Fargo to provide office space and financial resources to help entrepreneurs get their businesses up and running. LARDC further expanded its resources for new and growing businesses by adding lending to its list of services, including the SBA Microloan Program, the USDA Rural Microentrepreneur Assistance Program and the USDA Intermediary Relending Program.

In 1998, LARDC formed the Lake Agassiz Housing Corporation (LAHC) as a wholly owned subsidiary. In cooperation with local investors, LARDC developed senior housing in Wahpeton, Lisbon, Hope, and Page. These facilities provide seniors an opportunity to find comfortable housing and remain in their communities. They also provide an opportunity for young working families to purchase affordable single-family homes from the seniors who are moving into the facilities.


Board Members:

Rick Mairs, President, Ransom County

Lisa Rotvold, Treasurer, Traill County

Robert Wurl, Secretary, Richland County

Larry Jacobsen, Vice President, Steele County

LACDC was created in 2004 to manage the SBA 504 Program. This program offers long-term, fixed-rate financing in conjunction with a lead lender for owner occupied real estate or equipment purchases. A 9-member board of area business, banking, government and community leaders oversees the SBA 504 Loan Program.


Board Members:

Mike Bannach, President, Fargo

Jake Klobuchar, Vice-President, Fargo

Justin Neppl, Treasurer, Wahpeton

Dan Delahoyde, Secretary, Cogswell

Landon Poss, Fargo

Michael Gust, Fargo

Rick Steckler, Wahpeton

Scott Schultz, Grand Forks

Kelsey Smith, Fargo

Troy Ott, West Fargo